Aligning with the Collective Earth Star


As we sit in the energy of the autumn/spring equinox, I’m reminded of a message that came through during the last solar eclipse about the Collective Earth Star. More than ever, we’re asked to move beyond our isolation and towards a connected, community approach to the world. Moving into the expanded view, the bigger picture, and embracing the collective (without taking on its energy), is so important. We want to be an individual key in the collective, and also make our individual contribution count towards a greater vision. So, how can we make a difference?

The Individual Earth Star

Our individual Earth Star is usually very under-utilised. We’re consciously aware of the chakra system within our body, but the Earth Star often gets over-looked. Tune into your Earth Star right now by focusing your energy about 8 inches under your feet. As you connect here, feel the expansion. You’ll have a sense of your feet grounding into a mandala of light that surrounds the Earth. Your purpose and connection with the collective will be more easily felt here. Beyond this light mandala, you’ll feel a bridging energy, in a myriad of colours. This is the Rainbow Bridge, connecting to the incoming 4-5th dimensional energies, and assisting in the transformation the 3rd dimensional polarity consciousness. More

From Shadow to Light

Effects of the recent Solar Eclipse

The immense energies of the solar eclipse in Scorpio have brought up the collective consciousness shadow big time.  Every one as individuals is looking at their own shadow to overcome and evolve, which is part of the lesson of the opposing lunar eclipse energy.

The solar eclipse brings up the shadow of moving into your true purpose and contribution to society as a whole.  It brings up the issue of shining your own personal Light and standing in YOUR Light – not someone else’s or even society’s idea of what the light means.

Everything that blocks you from completely, totally and openly standing in your Light will come up for review.  It will turn everything upside down and even give you very physical and personal “kicks up the bum”.  Your shadow is asking you to please take a very good look at where you invest your energy…. Which aspect of your whole pattern do you give control to? More

Creating Sacred Space

Recently I’ve noticed an influx of people talking about seeing and experiencing astral spirits who are stuck.  A lot of people have been seeing them even more clearly and hearing them too! Some have just been seeing things out of the corners of their eyes more often and sensing other presences around their homes.

After tuning in, I was shown that the veils between dimensions are becoming very thin.  As a result these entities have become clearer to see and experience.  They exist in the lower astral plane and as the incoming fifth dimensional energies are touching us more strongly,  we can see that which is in between worlds as more of a “reality”. More

Cutting Ties


What happens when you feel you have completed your current journey with another person, and need to move on from that vibration?

It’s time to gently cut ties and  also to look at the Resonance Fields that have been created between you.


Releasing Old Resonance Fields

A Resonance Field is an energy body created by  a meeting of mutually attracted vibrations.  So Resonance occurs when vibrations react to a stimulus which is in Divine Order for them in that MOMENT.  This reaction, which is felt on the other side as well, then creates a Resonance Field.  It captures the essence of the Resonance beamed out from all parties, creating a common tie to each other.  As we have discussed before, this tie can be positive or seemingly negative.  It is there for learning and resolution.


Resonance with People


Resonance with people is interesting…. the mutual harmony that spontaneously occurs may be due to sparks of light within the other which are missing in your own spectrum. Or perhaps there is a resonance with a mutual lesson to be learned… or perhaps they will provide you with the lesson.
There is also the ASTROLOGICAL perspective to consider, where harmonious combined birth charts may now be discordant due to TRANSITS AND PROGRESSIONS. So you may wonder why a long term friend drifts out of your life, or you have periodic feelings of tension without any “real” reason.

These planetary changes will always bring teaching with them, so look for the value in the lesson and see if you can move beyond temporary challenges and EVOLVE to a new uplifted DYNAMIC. If not, then apply the “REASON, SEASON, LIFETIME” rule and gently release those people in your life that no longer resonate with you.
In this case, depending on how you change your resonance field, they may return at a time when there is a compatible reason for connection.  Think about those people you no longer resonate with.  Decide whether they are in your life for A Reason, A Season or A Lifetime.  My next post will include a Cutting of the Ties that Bind process (originally created by Phyllis Krystal under the guidance of Sri Sathya Sai Baba).  Happy releasing!


What is Resonance?

What does it mean when you resonate with some thing/person/place? It means there is a mutual harmony and an alignment of the sacred essence that buzzes in the cells of everything.
When this is aligned, it gives a complete integrity for that MOMENT. Because we are constantly recreating our cells and raising our own frequency, we will RESONATE with different things at different times.

Think about all the possessions you have had over the years.  Their vibration matched a frequency that you emitted at the time you were attracted to them.  This relates to clothes, furnishings, styles and even colours.

Think about how Colour Affects you

In fact, colour plays an important part in the resonance you are experiencing.  We are all like a rainbow with a myriad of colours combining to form the perfect patterning of our energy.  At any given time, if we are lacking in a certain colour because of an emotional state we are experiencing, we will be attracted to that colour.  The attraction is caused by a desire to bring balance back into the “colour wheel” of our own hologram….. to create a harmonious Resonance. More