Heartlight Healing

A three-part energy-healing course for lightworkers and awakened hearts, to magnify your healing light, raise your vibration, and define your healing purpose.

Are you ready to share your unique healing gifts with the world?

In the core of your heart, a perfectly designed healing matrix vibrates, waiting for the time that your precious healing gifts are needed by others. Imagine you can feel the call from the world around you… The call of beautiful souls who are looking for you, because you have the keys to help them activate self-healing.

As they call, the healing matrix increases its light, and reaches out from within you to answer that call of service to the evolving soul of humanity. This vibration will increase until it’s too uncomfortable to contain. You know then it’s time to ignite, and fully open this mandala of healing love, birthing your blueprint, and allowing it to radiate out to the world.

The most important thing to remember is that you created this dynamic before you came to the Earth, whilst you were still in Spirit form. The contracts are in place, and all you need to do is clear the way for them to be fulfilled.

Can you find a perfect way to express your healing?

Here’s where I can help. For most of my life, I’ve known there’s a greater purpose that underlies everything we do and experience. This course will help you align with your healing purpose in the greater cosmic picture, connecting you to many higher aspects of your own soul, across dimensions. From this point of expansion, you will open to your own unique healing wisdom, in the hologram you designed for this particular life.

There are as many ways of expressing healing as there are people on the earth. Your gift will shine like the reflection of a beautiful mandala, which is never to be repeated. This mandala is one of a kind, unique to you and can’t possibly be compared to anyone else.

What is the modality?

We will explore my sacred soul alchemy as a modality in this course, working with many different aspects of vibrational healing.

 Here’s a broad outline of the wonderful healing skills you’ll gain:

  • Creating a sacred healing space.
  • Aligning with Divine Love and your unique healing team.
  • Being a channel for Divine healing love and learning to focus with intention to guide your client into their own healing.
  • Ethics of healing from the heart.
  • Creating healthy boundaries.
  • Honing your inspired intuition to read the “stories” in the energy field.
  • The relationship of your personal healing matrix with the cosmic hologram.
  • The expanded 16-chakra system.
  • Subtle energy bodies, including the holographic field.
  • Clearing blocks and negative external impacts that stick to the energy field.
  • The amazing healing power of colour.
  • An introduction to holographic reality and multi-dimensional healing.
  • Aligning your healing gifts with this modality to create your own “trademark style.”
  • Clearing and maintaining your healing space.

Let your soul spark ignite and illuminate your gifts

As you accept that your healing light is completely unique and honour yourself as a sacred soul who carries this light to share with the world, you will surrender to a deeper, wiser aspect of yourself. This soul spark will illuminate and teach your personality how to change its role to become a perfect partner with the inspired guidance of your Spirit.

You will feel free to be authentically you, and your healing gift will flow with ease and grace.

The modality you learn in this course is only one part of the whole experience. You will find that amazing transformations take place, and new aspects of you come forward to integrate in your conscious, daily life. You will increase your own healing vibration and become a powerful source of healing love that will radiate from you and reach all those around you.

I would love to help you open the magnificence of your healing light and create a pathway of love to share this gift with the world.

This course is run as guided, so please email me for more information and to see if we’re aligned. I look forward to sharing this creative play of alchemy with you.

With healing love,