Welcome to my first blog post

Hello everyone!  Well, this is quite exciting.  My first blog post and I would like to  thank you all for being present to share it with me :-)  I plan to write on a range of topics relating to personal growth, spiritual awareness, life path direction, holographic reality, circular thinking and the bigger picture in general.

Lately I have been aware of a great upsurge in the balance between “dark” and “light”…. or “fear” and “love”.  The boundaries of these polarities are being pulled apart and we need to define what is light/love to us and let it transform the darkness/fear that seem to be spinning around us at a greater intensity.  Sometimes it’s more intense because it needs attention – it’s calling us to connect with it and understand its origins so that we may integrate the teaching contained within.

It’s only fear that separates us from our past unresolved issues, but as Nelson Mandela aptly quoted, fear cannot remove fear…. only love can.  The unfolding increase of Light upon our planet now supports us to lovingly embrace the things we have “kept in the dark” with a Light, understanding and confidence that will neutralise their heaviness and release the obstacles they present.

I was reminded of a poem which I wrote some time ago whilst reflecting on the balance between “dark” and “light”.  I’m sharing it here with the hope that it touches you all in the right place to help you complete those “things in the dark” that have held you back.

with love



“As Dark is Light”

I drift into eternity –

That void which draws me and at the same instant

I recoil from its clutches, afraid that if I surrender to its

invitation I may never return.

Return where?  I ask – Is it not from the void that I came

to this life?

I edge closer, feeling its enticement.

“Come to me” it says.

“I am you.

“I am all time.

“If you meld with me, the answers will be yours

as they are now, although you choose not to believe you

can claim them to be your own wisdom.

“Let me show you love, open to me as simply and serenely

as a flower opens its petals to the warmth of the sun.

“Come close – let me show you trust.  Allow your heart

to flow into mine gently and safely, tenderly holding it close to my breast.

“When your heart is safe, all else shall follow.  For Reason shall not stand in

Love’s footsteps.  And what else is there but Love?

Fear shall not contain you from bursting through your reality

to extend yourself – expand the Light that glows within

To reach the edges of Love’s desire

To tarry no longer at the crossroad

but finally collapse into the infinite design.

And let Love lead you to blend with your soul.

Come to me now my child.”

And so I came to the precipice, the daunting edge of all that I hold as truth.

I touched the darkness, my senses wary,

But then I felt its wisdom, and allowed my body to explore the contours of

a limitless strength.

I dived into the sea of black, my arms spread wide,

Allowing it to penetrate my very essence.

And there I found the light.

In the depth of that dark and foreboding void.

But how can there be light unless there is dark?

And how can there be one unless there is all?

I flow now

And let the answers float into the layers of my soul.

I touch the darkness,

Caressing its mask.

Knowing now that it carries within it

the seed of the Light.

With Love
